Our members are delighted to welcome you to our weekly meetings. We welcome you with a smile, introduce you to our members, and share our goals and visions during the weekly meetings and exciting programs.
We are honored to induct new members to the Rotary Club of Big Canoe monthly. We started with 22 charter members in July 2022 and had the opportunity to increase our current membership in December 2024 to 47 members. Membership creates opportunities for those interested in making a difference.
Throughout the year, we celebrate and enjoy the fellowship of Rotary. We organize social meetings throughout Big Canoe and invite members and guests to our fantastic Christmas party.
Our members travel the world, meeting with Rotarians at business events, participating in local meetings in over 46,000 clubs in more than 220 countries, and creating lasting friendships.
The Rotary Members are involved in many local and international programs to make a difference in our communities. We know you will find many opportunities for 'Service Above Self.'
We want our members to learn first hand about topics in our communities, businesses, health care, social topics, and so much more.
Mailing Address - Rotary Club of Big Canoe - 11123 Big Canoe, GA 30143 - bigcanoerotary@gmail.com
Copyright © 2022 Rotary Club of Big Canoe - All Rights Reserved.
The Rotary Club of Big Canoe meets the first three Thursdays of the month at the Big Canoe Chapel from 5:30 - 6:30pm. The address for the location is 226 Wolfscratch Vlg Cir, Big Canoe, GA 30143